Category: Front Page

Day Four – Lexington to Christiansburg

I’m not sure we could have asked for a nicer day for riding. Cool and foggy in the morning, mid 70’s and partially overcast in the afternoon. Wow. Doesn’t get much better for enjoying western Virginia scenery. I’ve …

Day Three – Charlottesville to Lexington (up and over the Blue Ridge)

Ok. First of all, to all the Charlottesville weather forecasters who said “widely scattered showers with peeks of sunshine”… Bite me. It rained today. All day. Sometimes it was a sprinkle, sometimes it approached downpour status. Regardless of …

Day Two – Mechanicsville to Charlottesville

The alternative title to this post is “How to almost ride an accidental double metric century”. When I was creating the route, I used the ACA maps to determine the actual roads we are going to take as …

Day One – Yorktown to Mechanicsville

Welp, we finished Day 1. It was not without its drama, but it was very successful. For the most part we followed the ACA TransAmerica Route… tho my Garmin 810 sort of flipped out for a while and …