Hack the Hat 2014

Last year Bruce and JP rode about 4-5K miles each. This year Bruce has ridden about 40 and JP about 400. That doesn’t mean we won’t bring bikes to Derby and go for an AM ride! We hope to get 15-20 riders! Bring your kids! We will wait up for them!

Once again – Saturday will be the best day. A lot of folks will be in training Friday morning and many will be hung over on Sunday morning. So here’s what we’re proposing… Rally in front of the hotel at 7:30am with your bike and we’ll head out for approximately 20 mile ride out and around Louisville. The sun rises at 7:36 on Saturday, so by the time we all get organized and on the road, it should be light out. We probably won’t make it back in time for the first talk on Saturday, FYI.

We’re not entirely sure of the route yet, but we’ll keep it under control with no brutal hills (does Louisville even have brutal hills?). This will be a no-drop ride, but hopefully we can keep a decent speed. In Vegas, the ride has split in to 2 groups of riders the last few years based on ability. We may end up doing that again here. We’ll see.

So bring your bike and helmet to Louisville. Don’t feel like transporting one? Looks like a few local places will rent bikes. Bike Courier Bike Shop and Wheel Fun Rentals are close to the hotel, but it’s not clear exactly what they’ll rent you. There are other LBS’s in the area that will rent as well. Google is your friend.

If you are thinking of riding with us, please hit up @cycle_override on Twitter or send us an email at [email protected] so we can gauge the size of the pack. Spread the word. The more the merrier.

BTW: The city of Louisville has a fantastic site set up to help guide local cyclists and lays out their plan for making Louisville bike friendly. Wish we’d see that from more communities.