Updated on July 27, 2020
Defcon Bike Ride 10: Safemode
You may have noticed we never posted any follow up for the Defcon 28 edition of the Defcon Bike Ride. Yea this little thing called a pandemic happened, and we all got busy.
Since Defcon 28 is now totally online, a TON of contests have scrambled to move their operations fully online. Huge high five to all of those working to do this!
Now that we are 10 years into the Defcon Bike Ride, I really can’t imagine not getting up at 6am and going for a bike ride in the desert. In lieu of this, we are going to use Defcon safemode as an excuse to design a new tshirt, and get all you cyclists into some fitness app so we can track you better :).
So – we have decided to resurrect our Strava club, and host distributed rides each day of Defcon. You can ride one of them, or all of them! Just sign up for the ride with the “I’m in!” button on the day(s) you are riding and we’ll see what happens. Here’s the link to the club: https://www.strava.com/clubs/1079
We have also designed a special safe mode tshirt:

You can get one by filling out this form and we will reach out for payment after the con: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfh1Gkeb9kz5vNCdFHiMmlN_eNt8iv_KA2C-ks5-1WgW0_Ilg/viewform
We hope to see you all in 2021 for the next ride in Vegas!
Thanks for doing this, the woods, and my peleton thank you
Well, I’ll have to ride with y’all in spirit. I had an accident on my bicycle (separated shoulder, bruised ribs) and I can’t ride for another couple of weeks 🙁