Donate to the EFF

One of the reasons we’re doing this ride is to raise awareness of issues facing the Information Security community. JP and I both feel very passionately about information security, the importance of education and research in this field, and the need for researchers to have the latitude necessary to perform their work.

Over the years, security researchers have often found themselves in difficult situations due to the nature of their research. From cracking weak encryption algorithms to disclosing vulnerabilities in important infrastructure, performing security research often means putting yourself in harms way. Thankfully, through it all, the Electronic Frontier Foundation has been there to provide guidance, advice, and (when necessary) legal defense for those who need it. The staff at the EFF have been great supporters of the information security/hacker community, and for that we owe them our great thanks.

We also owe them some money 😉 The EFF is a non-profit and relies on folks like you for all the funds that keep the lights on and the legal briefs flying. So, we humbly ask that if you’re interested in supporting us on our ride across the country, please do so by donating to the EFF. If you’re so inclined, we’d love to hear in the comments below that you donated on our behalf. Every donation helps motivate us… which is particularly important as we we climb hills in Kentucky and (more importantly) ride through Kansas, the land of straight lines and wind.