Defcon Bike Ride logistics update

Hey everyone — with less than a week away to the Defcon Bike Ride — Here is what you need to know:

  1. Any last minute updates will be tweeted: @cycleoverride
  2. We are meeting at the RIO at 5:30 am Thurs. Aug 4th. (Watch twitter and here for the exact location we will determine when we arrive at the Rio) We will then ferry over to McGhies somehow (TBD) which they will be there at 6am for fittings and water, etc… Have some cash on you ($5) to buy some extra water if you don’t have a camelbak or whatever. I don’t think there will be extra water on the route.
  3. We are planning on a main route and there is potential for a longer route (routes here) which we’ll decide upon Thursday morning if there is enough interest. If there is a longer route – they will get fitted and leave first.
  4. If you have ordered a CycleOverRide/Hack the Heat bike Jersey — you have to pay Bruce for by (Date) or he isn’t bringing your with him. The pay pal address ($70 per jersey) is heidi AT shmoo dot com.
  5. You should have already rented and confirmed a bike with McGhies by now. Please don’t show up with out a reservation as we will have no way to take your money. If you have your own bike we’ll see you there 🙂
  6. We may need help ferrying people over to/from McGhies. If you have room in a local or rental car, please let me know. 
  7. Once again — this ride isn’t for the inexperienced cyclist. You are still welcome – we just want to make sure you know what you are getting yourself into. You will not realize how much liquid you are losing. It will be hot and the ride is slightly uphill the entire way out. If you have any questions or concerns or just aren’t sure if this is for you — please connect with Bruce or I. You will be able to turn around an coast back — but we want you to be aware that we have a need to return to the bike shop before it gets too hot. Dehydration and overheating are real concerns here. We are CYCLING IN THE DESERT! 🙂 Just sayin.